Q: Which network do I connect to?
A: SCF-Secure.
Q: How do I connect?
A: You connect to SCF-Secure using your SCF username and password.
Q: Can I connect my personal device (laptop, phone, tablet, etc) to SCF-Secure?
A: Yes.
Q: It's asking about accepting a certificate, is that legit?
A: Yes, we use a certificate that you will need to verify or continue to connect.
Q: How many devices can I connect to the wireless at one time?
A: You can have unlimited connections.
Q: What Operating Systems are supported?
A: Windows 10, Windows 11, Android 12+, macOS 12+, iOS/iPadOS 15+.
Q: What Operating Systems are not supported?
A: Windows XP, Windows 7, Windows 8/8.1.
Q: How do I connect if I’m running an unsupported Operating System?
A: You may connect to the open guest network called, SCF-Guest.
Q: Will I need to log in again when I’m on another campus?
A: No. The wireless is the same on all 3 campuses, so you will remain connected at all 3 campuses.