

Password requirements



Passwords are an important aspect of computer security. They are the front line of protection for user accounts. All State College of Florida employees (including contractors and vendors with access to State College of Florida systems) are responsible for taking the appropriate steps, as outlined below, to select and secure their passwords. SCF will follow the security “best practice” guideline for creation of passwords, the protection of those passwords, and the frequency of change. 

Password Criteria

  • All passwords, including initial passwords shall:
    • Be comprised of a minimum of eight (8) characters.
    • Must do three of four of the following:  
          1.  Contain both upper and lower case characters. 
          2.  Contain at least one (1) alphabetic. 
          3.  Contain at least one (1) numeric characters. 
          4.  Contain at least one (1) special character ( $ % ^ _ + = ? / ~ ` ; : < > | \ )
    • Contain no more than two consecutive letters of the associated user name.
    • Be changed every 90 days at a minimum.
    • Not be the same as any of the last four passwords used.
    • DO NOT use these:   ! @ & * due to the Banner system
  • Passwords must not be easy to guess.
    • Must not use or be your user name.
    • Must not use or be your name.
    • Passwords must not be reused for a period of one year.
    • Passwords must not be shared with anyone.
    • Passwords must be treated as confidential information.


Change Password

Click here to change your password

Related Procedures



SCF IT Help Desk
Location: Bradenton Building 6

Monday-Thursday: 7:00 AM to 7:00 PM
Friday: 7:00 AM to 5:00 PM
Sunday: 10:00 AM to 7:00 PM

Help Desk phone: (941) 752-5357, on-campus dial x 65357



Article ID: 1875
Mon 11/14/22 9:43 AM
Mon 5/13/24 8:41 AM